Poughkeepsie NY

This article from The Pittsburgh Courier provides a detailed account of a woman named Georgine Kelly Smith who was one of the first administrators of the Colored Christian Community in Poughkeepsie. She delivered a speech at Vassar on the “Renaissance of the Negro” in October of 1926. The rest of the article seems to be a list of events that happened during that week.  

Full Article

Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

The Pittsburgh Courier (1911-1950);
Oct 16, 1926; ProQuest
pg. 11

After attending a luncheon with the Vassar girls Mrs. Georgine Kelly Smith of the CCC delivered an address at Taylor Hall Vassar College on the subject, “Renaissance of the Negro.” She was given a fitting introduction by the president, Prof. Henry Noble MacCracken. There will be a grand mask ball given by the Poughkeepsie lodge No. 17. K. of P. E. W. H. at Columbus Institute Tuesday. October 26th Music by the Black & White Orchestra. Rev. Clarence Hill Frank, pastor of the First Baptist Church, preached at Zion A. M. E. Church last Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m., subject “Happiness and How to Make Others Happy.” Rev. J. H. Mullen, pastor of Zion A. M. E. Church, held his rally last Sunday. He preached in the morning from St. Luke, 16:13. No man can serve two masters. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Goins were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Harden. Mr. Wm Carter of N. Hamilton street is ill at Vassar hospital with pneumonia. Mrs. Mabel Banwell of N. Clinton street is ill. The Willing Workers of Zion A. M. E. Church will give a clam chowder supper at the church October 26th. Mrs. Ethel R. Cooley, president. Miss Edna Van Bergen, secretary. This is for the purpose of raising funds with which to purchase shades for the parsonage. Mr. Homer Francis was slightly injured at the Dutton Lumber Co. last week. The revival services recently held at Ebenezer Baptist church and Zion A. M. E. was a decided success. There were many converts. Rev. J. E. Joltz and Mrs. Hall were the gospel singers. The new Masonic lodge hold their meetings the second and fourth Mondays of each Month. Mr. Jas. Smith now gives weekly dances at the Idle Hour since the installation of the new electric piano. Mr. K. Davis sells toilet articles, soaps, perfumes, food flavors, etc. He also sells race papers.

Poughkeepsie, N. Y. original article (PDF, 22KB)

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