Vassar Model Senate Discusses Lynching

This article describes that Vassar’s “model senate”—probably the equivalent to mock trial today—used lynching as one of its topics. This highlights what topics were the center of politics in 1935. It also reveals that Vassar was discussing issues relating to race during student activities. Note: This article is difficult to read but is the only online version available.

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Vassar Model Senate Discusses Lynching

NEW YORK, Feb. 28—Lynching was one of the three topics discussed by the “Model Senate” consisting of delegates from 26 colleges organized by the Political Association of Vassar College at Poughkeepsie. All of the information used by “senators” who will argue the -illegible-

Anti-lynching legistlation -illegible- supplied by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

The other topics were unemployment -illegible-
and the League of Na -illegible-

Delay Trial of Noted Surgeon

Greensboro, N.C., Feb. 28—(ANP)—The -illegible-
Dr. Charles C. Stewart, prominent North Carolina -illegible-
Charged with second degree murder, was postponed this week.

Dr Stewart was charged with first degree murder in connection with the death of Ethel Smith, white, in which he is alleged to have performed an illegal operation, but only a day before the trial was changed to second degree murder and the medic was admitted to $5,000 bail.

The trial was postponed at the request of the state’s -illegible-
stated that one of their -illegible-
nesses was ill. A postpo -illegible-
two weeks was asked for -illegible-
a week was granted. -illegible-
counsel stated that they -illegible-
for trial.  

Vassar Model Senate Discusses Lynching original article (PDF, 28KB)

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